From Midlife Malaise to Machu Picchu (!!)

Bethany Cass

Four hikers in colorful rain gear and knit hats smile in the rain

Bethany’s inaugural trip with Sherpa of Souls was a wet one! But look at those smiles!

Bethany Cass is an awesome new friend I met around this time last year when she and her daughter Maddie attended the Guides Gone Wild Iron Chef weekend that I hosted with Ari Leach of Blackbird Guide Services.

At the time, as you’ll hear, Bethany was kind of treading water in a sea of discontent, but getting ready to take some bold strokes in new directions - and less than one year later, things are poppin' off for her, as the kids would say!

WAIT UNTIL YOU HEAR what she is doing in 2024!!

But the point I want you to come away from this conversation with is NOT that you have to go big or stay home. There is more than one right way to seek - and hopefully find - fun, inspiration, and fulfillment.

Bethany’s soul was called toward meditation, yoga, and spending quiet time in the wilderness - yours might be finding a dozen friends for a whitewater or ski trip, or dangling from ropes on a rock face or splashing in a waterfall, or maybe hanging out with your favorite four-legged friend at your local land trust trail. It's all good! If it's outside in nature and it makes you feel good, it's worth doing!

The cool stuff we talk about:

We Built This Workshop - come build a tent platform with us! (November 11-12, 2023)


Climb for a Cause (and Show Yourself Some Compassion for a Change)


Talk to Cool People (Then Say Yes!)