Chase the Inevitable

Nancy Zane, North Star Adventures


Let’s take a moment to consider the concept of inevitability.

It’s probably hard for some of our younger listeners to wrap their heads around the idea that a girl or woman would be actively dissuaded from pursuing outdoor interests or a career in an outdoor-related industry.

But that’s been the reality for many women, just as it has been for many people of color, LGBTQ, and other under-represented groups of outdoor enthusiasts. So I hope today’s conversation will help us all reflect on the barriers that the expectations of society and family can often throw up in front of us and others, and provide a little bit of inspiration and encouragement to keep working to make our own desires inevitable.

Our guide today (in the green shirt, above) is Nancy Zane, who spent 30-odd years getting deflected or distracted away from an innate calling she felt toward the outdoors. But finally, in 2017, she decided “this is the time”. Nancy’s company, North Star Adventures, creates courses and certifications that “meet you where you are”. Which is probably because she wishes someone had met her where she was, countless times, as she sought a career and life that would incorporate her interest in adventuring outdoors.

In addition to being a Registered Maine Guide for Recreation and Sea Kayaking, Nancy is a Wilderness EMT and Leave No Trace Master Educator. You can check out her amazing trip and course offerings on her North Star Adventures website, and follow her @NStarAdventures on Facebook and Instagram.

And of course, don’t miss Paddle Maine Mondays!

If you’re interested in some of the organizations or products we discussed, check them out below:


Don’t Talk Yourself Out of It


Learn Skills, Not Fear