Where There's a Will, There's a (Vagabond) Way

Tiffany Soukup, Vagabond Way

Tiffany Soukup and her husband paddle a canoe in a Vermont lake in autumn

I'm coming in HOT today with my guest, Tiffany Soukup.

Tiff is a fireball of energy and positivity, and will probably be #lifegoals to any of you who aspire to a life filled with travel and the outdoors.

Tiff and her husband are Park Rangers (aka Park Managers) within the Vermont State Park system, and have also served as the managers of the AMC’s Little Lyford Lodge & Cabins in Greenville, Maine for several winters. Although not this winter - and we’ll get into why in our conversation.

But if that wasn’t interesting enough, Tiff is also an inveterate world traveler during the stick and mud seasons, a photographer, a writer, and the #1 evangelist over at VagabondWay.net, as she terms it, a site about "a deliberate way of living, allowing the freedom to travel".'

And because we covered some ground, links for everyone!!:


Blaze Your Own Trail to Self-Love


Lean Into Your Life (AND the Downhill)