Be Better Together

Jenny Kordick, Maine Outdoor Brands

Maine Outdoor Brands Logo

OK, people, we’re in the holiday home stretch here.

What better time to talk to Jenny Kordick, the Executive Director of Maine Outdoor Brands, an alliance of manufacturers, service and experience providers, non-profits, and community partners that organized back in 2017 to support and grow the outdoor recreation economy in Maine.

As we tend to do on this podcast, Jenny and I talk about the evolution of her interest in the outdoors, how she managed to stay active even during her big city years, and how she wound up in Maine.

She shares with us the origin story of Maine Outdoor Brands (apparently, anything can sound do-able after a few beers and a long day walking the floor of an industry trade show….) From these humble beginnings, Maine Outdoor Brands has grown into a powerhouse alliance of companies and brands ranging from household names like L.L.Bean to smaller brands that might sound familiar to listeners of this podcast: Confluence Collective, Good To Go Meals, Acadia Mountain Guides, Maine Island Trail Association, Teens to Trails… the roster of awesomeness goes on and on.

Whether you’re interested in a new job or volunteer opportunity, finding the coolest new products or experiences, becoming an ambassador for an up and coming brand, or learning more about Maine’s outdoor economy, you will find the MaineOutdoorBrands website to be a tremendously valuable resource.

Last but not least, so many great links from our conversation!:


Put Yourself In An Available Place


Express Your Whole Self