Put Yourself In An Available Place

Briana & Cambyr Sullivan


Since holiday season is wrapping up (ooh, bad pun, sorry)... I’m turning my attention to inspiration - 2021 is just a week or so away, and while the flipping of the calendar isn’t necessarily going to mean the craptastic circumstances of 2020 are going to disappear, it does bring with it a little fresh breath of hope that, come December 2021, things will look radically different than they do right now.

My guests today are Briana and Cambyr Sullivan. If you’ve been listening to the pod for a while, you might remember my conversation with CJ Mauger and Bex Wright, the hiking buddies who had hoped to do a single year through hike of the AT in 2020, but got stymied by COVID when they were barely two weeks into their journey. During that conversation, we talked about the difficulty they had with the decision to quit, and they basically, and rightfully, reprimanded me for getting all judge-y about people who stayed on the trail after COVID started shutting stuff down.

During that conversation, I mentioned a mother-daughter team who decided to stay on the trail. And that’s who I’m finally talking to today. Well, actually, I talked to them back in November, on election day, when Cambyr didn’t have school and her mom and I didn’t have to work and we all needed distraction from the nuttiness of the day. I’ve been saving this episode, because there’s a lot going on in it and I wanted to find a good time to share it.

And what better time than during a week when we are focused on family, whether we can be with them or not, and also starting to look ahead to what we hope will be a very different, and very much better, new year.

You can keep up with all of Briana’s various adventures, including the progress of her floating tiny house, at her blog, naturespirit.me. She can also be found on Instagram @BrianaMSully. And as she mentioned, there are ways to see what Cambyr is up to via links and tags on her sites.

Some fun links from our conversation:


Start Today


Be Better Together